Lifestyle Habits Coaching
with Coach Sarah Sirico
Change is hard. Connect with me, as your coach, on a personal level, where I help you overcome barriers and get you where you want to go. I will really get to know who YOU are, so I can best help you learn how to stop dieting, take back control and feel better than you ever have.
As your personal habits coach, I will help you:
Eat better, without dieting or feeling deprived.
Get active, no matter what shape you’re in now.
Ditch the food rules, dropping the fad diets and conflicting advice.
Build fitness into your life, without it taking over.
Achieve, and maintain, your goals, even when life gets busy.
You'll end up:
Losing the weight/fat you haven’t been able to shed for years.
Building physical strength and confidence in your body.
Gaining mental confidence, no longer hiding your gifts and talents.
Letting go of food confusion, learning what to do, how to do it.
Getting off the diet roller coaster once and for all, and never looking back.
This method of coaching is not fast or flashy. But, it’s real. For most of us, quick fix programs or hacks can work, but if you want sustainable results, I work with clients to build the kind of person that’s capable of change. If you’re ready, willing and able to TRY, let’s talk more about sustainable coaching with me.
I’ll support you through:
the “grind”
BIG life events
results plateaus
tantrums, hissy-fits, and breakdowns
(did I mention change is hard?)
Pricing for personal coaching starts at $200 per month
Find me on Instagram: @coachsarahsirico
E-mail me: sarahsirico@gmail.com
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